My Journey

Sep 14, 2022

Invisalign journey update - refinement phase

After what seems to be an endless hiatus, I am now in the second phase of this journey; refinement.  I received the refinement set today after about 6 weeks with the worn out last aligners from the previous set.  The refinement set comprises 15 pairs, which is to my great relief.  If everything is fine, this journey would end in about four months.  Actually at this juncture, I am already happy with how my teeth look like.  

My latest smile :)

Nevertheless, let’s get to the finish line.

Sep 3, 2022

Spotting a spotless face

These are going to be the last two addition in my quest for a spotless face.  The spots that I have on my face are just as stubborn as I am.  I think I’ve tried everything safe that I can get hold of, but none seems to be giving the visible result that I’d like to see.  Nevertheless, there’s no new age spot appearing on my face until today either.  That is also to me, an achievement.

I’m intrigued to try Cyspera’s Cysteamine despite the ridiculously high price tag after reading the instruction.  Slathering thinly over the spots on dry, uncleansed face for *15 minutes* before washing it off.  Wow.  I hope there is something potent in it unlike others that will eventually work for my face.  As for tranexamic, I’m just going to give it a try and use it alternately with niacinamide.  Let’s see if there is anything visible after 16 weeks.
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