I am embarking on another journey 🙂. A journey to straighten my teeth, especially the upper ones. I think my two main front incisors at the top are too big and a bit protruding. Because of the size, even small overbyte can be obvious. They're not too bad actually. It's just that I think it'll boost my confidence even more if I can have them properly aligned, especially now that we are making more and more online appearance where our faces and mouths are closer to the cameras than ever before.
Captured at a speech I gave during an online conference |
Upon discussion with the dentist, the two incisors are actually of normal size. But the other two incisors at the sides of them are smaller than average, which make the former two look bigger than they are. So, it’s these latter two that need to be made bigger.
So, for my case, the Invisalign treatment is divided into two parts. The first one is mainly to space out the upper teeth to make way for the super small teeth to be enlarged, cosmetically. The second part is the real journey to straighten them. So half way through, there will be a rescan for me where another set of trays will be printed, at no additional cost.
My byte before the treatment |
After the first scan, I received 25 sets of trays altogether that I am not going to wear all. I will only be wearing half of them, for about 3 months or so. Once enough spacing is obtained, the super small teeth will be enlarged and after that, there will be a rescan and I will be receiving a another set of trays to complete the treatment.
The dentist also said that for my case, I can change the trays every week. Good news. Looks like I can move my teeth faster and hopefully the journey can be shortened too.
Month 1 - 6/12/2021 |
With this other journey, I will no longer be too preoccupied with the journey to spotless. Hope both will end well.