How time flies. I’m now into the last week of the fourth month of this journey i.e. wearing tray #16. How far has it gone? Picture speaks thousand words.
Tray #1 (top) vs. tray #16 (bottom) |
The most notable improvement so far is, I think, on the lower teeth. I have this one stubborn bottom tooth that could not be corrected last time by braces because it was too slanted. The metal bracket accidentally popped off while the wire was being placed. It is pretty much straight now. Below are the before and now pictures.
Before Now |
First month Fourth month |
The teeth are certainly better aligned now. Today, I received the last 9 sets until the 25th pair. I really am looking forward to complete this journey that I’ve started four months ago. For now, I have gradually, yet surely, gained confidence to smile with the mouth open. Till the next progress …