Despite COVID-19, I am excitedly reporting about another journey! A different kind of journey though. A journey to a spotless face. Flawless face might be too much to ask at this age. So I will be fine with having a spotless one.
Ever since not having to go to the office, I have not been religiously applying the skincare regime, thinking that I am safe because I am not being out under the sun while working from home, forgetting that hormonal changes due to aging also play a part.
They're not that bad actually and can be easily covered with a thin layer of foundation. But if zoomed in, they're quite horrendous. There are two spots that I am mainly targetting, one of which is shown below. I will reveal my skincare treatment regime at the end of this post, if it works.
Day 1 - The beginning 6/11/2021 |
Day 6 - Hardly any change 11/11/2021 |
Day 11 16/11/2021 |
It’s difficult to ensure the same focus and exposure. I try my best to ensure fair reporting nevertheless 😁. After all, this is amateur work. I think it's fading. Not to be overly optimistic though, let’s wait for another 5 days.
Day 16 - After 2 weeks 21/11/2021 |
The next reporting would be in about another 2 weeks i.e. result after about a month.
Day 30 - It’s still there 5/12/2021 |
I am actually not quite sure now if it is fading or what. The thing is, even if it is fading, the skin around it is also probably getting fairer, which, in a way, makes the spot more visible than before. Nevertheless, I don't expect the positive effect, if any, is going to be very noticeable that fast, especially when the spot has been with me for years. So I'll come back with update after another 2 weeks, or maybe a month.