My Journey

Nov 20, 2013

My peach roses

My peach rose plant has grown so much, after just a few months.  It flowers a lot too.  A stem usually has three buds.  Some even have five!
Was ...

It suffered from a bout of thrips attack recently and fully recovered now, Alhamdulillah.  I could hardly spend my evening in the garden lately due to the unfriendly weather.  It rains heavily during late afternoon, leaving the soil wet in the evening.  I don't like gardening when the soil is wet.

Nov 13, 2013

Roses in the garden

Roses in the garden are doing fine so far.  Please continue to thrive in our garden, under my care :)

Three on the still-in-progress flower bed

Two in the pots

One (at the far end) is yet to be transplanted
I didn't plan to buy the last one.  Five rose plants to me are more than enough to keep my hands full.  But I just couldn't resist its beautiful, bright yellow colour with large petals.  And sold at only RM8.  So here it is, waiting for the second round of bloom.
Blooms of the first round
New shoots coming up

Nov 8, 2013

My wish list for the garden

I have no specific theme for our little garden.  However, I notice my inclination towards English garden.  I think it is cute and it suits my taste.  Not long after, I found myself in the lookout for the following items.
Decorative Pine Wooden Wheelbarrow Planter for the garden or patio
Wooden wheelbarrow planter

Urn planter
To have a complete English garden is costly.  Therefore, I am going to dedicate just a section of the garden for this. I am going to place garden fence, wheelbarrow planter, urn planters, hanging sign post, hanging planter, solar lantern and large white pebbles there. Sounds too many? We'll see the result later. Hopefully soon.
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