After a month of part time hardwork, the raised flower bed is finally taking shape. It was not without compromise though. The retaining wall blocks that I thought were perfect for the flower bed of my dream was found to be too big for our little garden. When I was about to give up, stop dreaming and accept the fact that I have to resort to using the ordinary bricks, my handsome little brother shed some light into the dashing hope by sending me this photo.
Credit to Genius Greenway Sdn. Bhd. |
They are called the IBS interlocking bricks. Well, I thought that they are at least better than the ordinary bricks and I should give them a try. A series of short messages and replies led us to Jalan Jelebu, Pantai, Negeri Sembilan where Genius Greenway Sdn. Bhd. is located. It was about an hour drive from our house. With the help of the GPS and of course, my beloved husband, we managed to locate the place and met the owner, whom I forgot to ask the name :( but whom hospitality and courtesy we would never forget. He took us to the production site after listening to our intention of coming there and looking for the bricks. To make the story short, we came back with 30 wall bricks, 16 curved bricks and 3 half bricks after paying a total of RM72.
It took us another one week or so to stack the bricks together according to our plan and by the end of last weekend, tadaa !!!
The still incomplete flower bed |